Howell Mill Clinic Transitioning Services to other MHC locations.On April 25, 2025, Morehouse Healthcare will transition services to our other locations.
For more information, click here.
The Presidential Scholarship named in honor of Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice was established
in 2013. This scholarship helps MSM raise the funds needed to train the next generation
of healthcare providers and change the face of medicine.
The Founder's Fund helps to bridge the gap between tuition and the true costs of a
health professions education. Annual donations to the fund support student scholarships,
the library, and classroom and technology enhancements.
Named in honor of one of MSM's esteemed founders and late president of Morehouse College,
the Gloster Society was established to help grow philanthropy and to enhance our knowledge
of exceptional generosity to the Annual Fund.
SHLI values diversity, integrity, trustworthiness, consensus building, prevention as a priority,
and equal access to quality healthcare for all persons.